Sunday, January 13, 2008


We canceled our internet last week, and I'm already feeling disconnected. We figured that not having internet would cause us to be more focused on getting finished with a couple projects at home, plus we're saving a few bucks, so it sounded like a good idea. When we finish our basement, we're switching from cable to dish and DSL, I'm already working faster, so I can get that internet back. Until then, I probably won't be posting much, as blogger appears to be blocked almost everywhere I spend my time. I look forward to picking up the conversation again in a month or so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm visiting your blog for the first time and have enjoyed reading your posts. In fact, My wife and I recently did the same thing only with our Cable TV. We set out to spend more time reading. It's been a year now and we have decided that though having cable is cool, we actually don;t miss it enough to want to get it again. I thought we'd miss it but to tell ya the truth I actually don't miss it all that much.
Anyway keep up the good work!