Saturday, October 27, 2007


Today, our church hosted the first ever D0gs-n-Duds, where people could come in for a free meal, and any clothes they needed. I had no part in this event, but I wish I had, and am planning some ways for me and Real Youth to be able to help out with the next one. I got an update this evening from a friend who had a big part in it, and it sounds like it was an overwhelming success. I said that in the 3 hours they were open approximately 200 people stopped in to our church's fellowship hall, to pick up some needed clothing and a free meal. I'm so proud to say that I'm a part of a church that wants to serve our community, and I'm proud to call the people who were there today my friends. I'm so excited about where our church is heading. Here are a few pics of the event:

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