Thursday, May 10, 2007

Finished The Tipping Point

I just finished The Tipping Point. I have to say, it was one of the better books I have read. A resounding main idea from the book (and the subtitle) was how little things can make a big difference. My thought on this: Are we doing the little things it takes? Or, are we ignoring those little things in our quest to do something huge? And, what are the little things it takes to reach our world? I think personally, I forget to even do the little things when I get big ideas on the brain. My new goal is to make sure I look for the little things I could do to make a big difference.

1 comment:

Jason Curlee said...

Great thoughts Tyler...and to add...if we really want to make a takes doing little things consistently.

Teens if you want to reach your school what are the little things you are doing consistently. What image are you presenting to your friends? Are you getting involved each week, taking ownership?

Parents what are you doing to ensure your teens become the future leaders God has destined them to be. Are you being the example to them.

Create a tipping point today in the life of someone.

Again Tyler great thoughts for me.