Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coffeehouse logo ideas Part 1

I am working on some designs for a logo for Oasis Coffeehouse.  I didn't want to do the same old coffee cup thing, so I'm trying to go a little different route, and really playing off the name of the coffeehouse.  Would these make sense to you guys (like the literal oasis inside the O)?  I am making them all so that they can be used in black and white or color.  I'm not sure of coloring on the one with the palm tree coming out of the i, I guess it could be anything.  I could have the tree leaves green.  Also on that one, does anyone else see an inappropriate word when you glance at it, or is it just me?  I want to get this right, so I'm sure there will be more to come.  They'll probably all be mostly along these lines, unless I have some great idea pop up, or you guys can feed me an idea.  If you have an idea, let me know, and I'll try to come up with something.

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