Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Funny to Serious

A few minute ago, I posted something that almost made me cry from laughter. This almost made me cry from sadness. I found out about this from Mark Moore's blog, he describes it better than I can.

I've got Google Earth, it's a free download, by the way, so I checked this out right away. We have some displaced Sudanese students in our schools, and I guess it never really hit me like it did tonight the reason that they are here.
Google has teamed up with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum to highlight the Darfus crisis using Google Earth:
Google Earth has added a Global Awareness layer to its maps program that lets you learn about the crisis in Darfur. By selecting the Global Awareness layer (in the lower left-hand corner of Google Earth) you can fly over enhanced satellite images of the war-torn region. Sprinkled over the map are icons that link to photographs, data, videos, and narratives of eyewitnesses to the genocide.
What an excellent use of internet technology to educate users about a crisis that many people probably don’t fully understand. Grab a copy of Google Earth and read more about the project at the Holocaust Memorial Museum website. I’m eager to see what other educational uses will be found for Google Earth and similar tools in the future.

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