Thursday, March 15, 2007

One of the coolest things I've seen

I've spent the last couple of evenings (in between playing with my new baby), checking out's Experience Island in Second Life. It is a virtual world that that is visited by tons of people everyday. I think the virtual church is meant to reach people who wouldn't normally go into a church, and let me tell it is amazing. Here are some pics.
Now, since it isn't even officially open yet, most of the people there are people or other in the know church leaders, which has lead to me being able to make some really cool connections. I've met a bunch of the staff from the Hendersonville campus, I met one of their video guys (I'm really excited to pick his brain), I met the "blogfather" and author of The Blogging Church Terry Storch , and a really cool guy from Texas named jay Curlee who also happens to have a cool blog, along with a bunch of other people who are ready to reach the world.

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